Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wonder Works Children's Museum

It had been a while since we had visited Wonder Works in Oak Park, so last week we headed there for a day of fun. It turned out to be almost literally a whole day, even though I had thought we'd only be there a few hours. I brought our lunch to eat, and even after lunch they wanted to go and go. We stayed there for five hours and even then it was more gentle nudges from me to go that we left than because they wanted to go on their own.

I hope you have fun through these pictures glimpsing a little of the fun we had there that day.

Alexa LOVED this little gas station. She'd ride the car around the museum, stop to fill up the tank, and then take off to do it all over again.

We'd never played puppets before on a puppet stage, so it was so much fun to watch the kids really get into that type of play.

We must have spent at least 45 just in the dress-up area. It really is the first thing they like to do during the day, especially for Jared.

They enjoyed putting on little concerts and dance performances in between costumes.

They met another little boy, who was probably near six, and had such a great time running up and down this tree house. They had one of those cloth tunnel things and would put it on the top of the stairs and slide down. They were so loud with laughing and giggling, almost to the point of screaming. I thought it was great, but I kept getting stares from other parents (well, mostly nannies) and people who worked there. It's just a shame that even in a place designed for play, people still think if children are making too much noise there must be something wrong.

Besides Alexa getting pinched pretty hard from a boy (who had just finished having a screaming match with whoever was with him), the kids had such fun playing a variety of other things before listening to Mozart's Magic Flute Story for children on the way home.

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