Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wonderful Wacky 4th of July

Our 4th of July celebrations really took place the day before on the 3rd. We didn't do anything fantastic, although we were able to watch fireworks right from our front lawn, but there was a heck of a lot of cleaning going on that day. Before I had kids, I actually liked cleaning. Now- not even close. I usually set a timer to motivate myself to get things done quickly. But having a houseful of people over does wonderful things for your motivation.

So, while I started with the kitchen, the kids thought up thier first project for the day. Painting. I love when they paint, I really do. They've been painting, at least finger painting since six months old, but some days it can be a whole lot of mess to clean up. We don't have a room just for art, so that means art takes place in the kitchen. Still, I figured it would keep them occupied.

The painting quickly turned into painting their dinosaurs. Note to myself - buy Alexa a ceramic model to paint.

They've been staying away from completely covering themselves in paint - something they would always do a few years ago whenever they'd paint - but, wouldn't you know it, I turn my head for a minute and I see this.

He said he was a goblin. So, after washing him out, I tried to get back to business. Between me taking the kids to the library to check out more books and get a prize from the treasure chest for their reading program, and Steve taking them to several stores during the afternoon, we were able to divide up the work and get most things ready for the 4th.

Steve was so anxious to make smoked ribs. He'd been talking about it for weeks. He had done a trial run with one slab, and it turned out awesome. That evening he mixed up the rub, with help from Alexa.

We usually watch fireworks on the 4th, but our village decided to change their fireworks date to the 3rd, I guess because of the rain. We were all ready to sit as a family on our front lawn, where we can see the fireworks being shot off from a nearby quarry, but Alexa wasn't having it. She's scared of the noise, so as soon as they started, she ran inside with Steve, and Jared and I watched them together.

While Jared sat on my lap, I pretended to be Dr. Claw and he was Batman. I told him how I had Mad Agents down in the quarry and how they were going to set off a bomb to destroy Gotham City. When the finale happened, I told him that was the bomb going off, and his eyes got so wide! Then he said Batman had a special button that would restore Gotham City.

On the big day, we went to church (getting there a bit late so Steve could flip the ribs once in the oven), and then came home to lunch and some last minute getting ready. Thankfully the kids occupied themselves with reading....

...and other playing. Jared had been dying to play in the next-door neighbors yard, so we went over for a little while until family started arriving.

Most of the afternoon, really, was a blur for me. Between getting things for people, making sure the kids were ok, setting up for dinner, and a dozen other little things, the day flew by in an exhausting haze. Here's a few pictures I managed to get off in between the craziness.

The kids also set off some smoke bombs and snakes with Grandad, there were badminton and bags games played, and I had some time to talk with my family. Steve's side of the family left early to watch fireworks in another town (Jared had actually fallen asleep at 7:30, something he hasn't done since he was one), so we needed to stay back, but my side of the family stayed with us. We had a great time talking and hanging out.

The night ended on a not-so-great note, however. Our central air went out, just as everyone was leaving. We do have window units upstairs, so Steve and the kids slept up there, and I slept downstairs (I know it's weird, but I actually would have been cold!).

Happy 4th!


Stephanie said...

Looks just like it should be!
Aside from the ac. oof. :)

Chris said...

Thankfully it only cost $160 to fix. We were sure we'd be shelling out at least $500.