Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas Play

Jared and Alexa are going through a huge dress-up phase right now. They love to put together different "costumes." Pirates, ghosts, princesses, knights, and lately shepherds and angels. In the weeks before the Christmas play, they asked many times to put their costumes on and run around the house. Also, since Alexa loves singing so much and they would be singing two songs, they were pretty excited about the play this year.

They were in the Christmas play last year, and actually one of the songs this year was the same as last year, but this year we really noticed a difference in how excited they were to go on stage. Last year, Jared refused to practice on the stage, and then, during the actual performance, right after all the other kids had walked on the stage, he popped out of Steve's lap and joined the rest of the group.

This year my mom, Steve's parents, and my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came to watch the performance. We had fun taking group shots of the kids before they went on stage.

After the show, we went to eat with the family. All in all, it was a pretty good evening, although both kids became very cranky towards the end. I've included my favorite pictures of the evening below. Aren't the kids adorable?

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