Friday, May 14, 2010

The Farm, Butterflies & Batman's All Tied Up

We woke up Tuesday the 11th to gray skies. The kids knew that probably meant no pony ride today at the farm, something they were really looking forward to. But I think they brightened up some when they saw the fluffy one-week old baby chicks. They looked just like the stereotypical Easter chicks you see in the pictures. The kids sat around a small table and pet their chicks while Ms. Kay talked about why chicks and ducks have different types of feet.

We grabbed our umbrellas and headed to the barn. Although we didn't go in the pigpen this week, I still had to include a picture of this cute little guy. We spent most of the time in the barn in the goat pen, feeling the mama goat side and hoping she'd have her babies in the next two weeks so we could see them before the end of this program. It was also fun to check out the stables and go inside the horse's stall.

Before we left, we took some tiny duckling out of the incubator and held them. I almost forgot. In the barn, the hens had laid three eggs, so Ms. Kay took one of the hens and put her in a separate area. She had all the kids carry handfuls of hay and make a nest for the eggs, and then she put the eggs inside the nest. Next week we're going to see if the hen actually sat on the eggs and will hatch them. 

We stopped by my mom's house afterwards for lunch, and so I could work on this blog for a while. The kids always love to feed Teddy, my mom's dog, her Cherrio treats. They like watching her perform her tricks. The kids and my mom went to their library, where they checked out some new books, and then came back for an ice cream cone treat. My mom left for work, and the kids played store with my grandma. She was the customer and they were the shopkeepers.

We we arrived at home, we were SO excited to see two more of our butterflies had hatched. As I said in the last post, as of this date they all have hatched, so we have 9 total. The kids asked to feed them this time. We sprinkle sugar water over a flower, and I also soak a paper towel in sugar water, too.

Before Steve came home for dinner, we had some pretend Batman play. Lately, Jared's taken to tying up his Batman with string and hanging him from the umbrella. Later that evening, he wanted me to play Batgirl. He showed me how he had tied Batman up. I though he wanted me to rescue him. Apparently not. After I untied Batman from the umbrella and showed Jared, he burst out into the most sorrowful sounding cry I'd ever heard from him and ran upstairs, where he wouldn't be consoled. Now I know. With Batman play, you must do it exactly how he wants, my own thoughts and ideas are not required, thank you very much. Kind of reminds me of this book I received for Mother's Day :)

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